The mere mention of the name of this great country — Germany – brings to mind images of a technologically advanced nation with highly developed infrastructure, the best cars in the world and an amiable social culture. The German academic and professional communities are widely respected and celebrated for their achievements. Germany leads the world in many areas of Research and Development. If you are a student who wants to pursue higher studies, you should strongly consider Germany and its Universities.
Below you will find some of the top reasons that Germany is a good and smart choice:

Globally Accepted Degree
A Degree issued from a German University is a highly respected and valued qualification all over the world. As an indication of this, German graduates enjoy a very high employment rate in the global job market.

Free Education
Most Universities (especially the Public Universities), Colleges, and Engineering Schools in Germany take no tuition fees for all international students. That’s right! You can study for free in Germany. The only charges of German Universities are administrative fees of about 100 to 200 Euros per year. (Roughly, between INR 8000 and INR 17000 every year.) These are meant to cover student services, bus or train tickets to the University, and cafeterias.

Enjoy Low Costs of Living
If you want to study for your Master’s Degree in Germany, you will be delighted to know that the cost of living there is lower compared to many other places in Europe. In some of the smaller German cities, students can reduce their monthly expenses to as low as EUR 500, and yet have a comfortable life.

English-taught Master's Programs
Germany is one of the first destinations on the list of non-English speaking countries. It is very popular among international students. This is because mostly Universities in Germany offer Master’s Programs in English specially dedicated to foreign students.

Students can Work Part Time
International students in Germany are allowed to work up to 720 hours, i.e., 90 full days in a year. Part-time jobs that pay 10 to 12 Euros per hour are quite easy to find. They are a great way to get some extra earning to pay for food and rent.

Research and Collaboration with Industry
Germany has always been one of the fountainheads of leading-edge research. German Universities and research centers work closely with industries to developed mutually beneficial, strategic relationships. Students thus gain exciting opportunities to apply the skills they learn in Engineering Degree courses to solve problems in the real world. For instance, the Technical University of Munich (TUM) has partnerships with world famous companies such as Siemens, General Electric, and BMW. TUM also permits students to work on projects in collaboration with local research centers like the Max Planck Institute and Deutsches Museum.

Job Opportunities in Germany
The bulk of the German economy is driven by the manufacturing industry. This means that careers in Engineering are usually easy to make. In fact, as most German technology companies are involved in advanced research, both theoretical and applied, Germany will always need science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) experts. According to recent statistics, Germany has the second highest number of engineering workers among all employees in the EU. Foreigners are allowed to live and work in Germany and on average, salaries for engineering experts are about EUR 46,000 per year.

Settle in Germany
After completing their Master’s Degrees, students are allowed to stay in Germany. You can apply for Blue Card/Green Card/Permanent Resident-ship, if you obtain a permanent job in Germany.

Engineering Professions
For engineers, particularly popular specialist fields are Mechanical and Automotive Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Structural Engineering, Computer Science, and Telecommunications. Those who choose MINT (Mathematics, Information Technology, Natural Sciences, and Technology) fields are always in high demand.

In Germany, Doctors and other Medical Professionals are sought after far and wide. There is a requirement to meet shortages in several specialties, and so there is broad scope for qualified doctors to find well-paid work in Germany. The average salary for doctors is between EUR 65,000 gross salary per year (for an ‘Assistenzarzt’ – Assistant Doctor) and EUR 80,000 euro per year (for a ‘Facharzt’ – specialist). Chief Physicians at the peak of their career earn the most, with an astonishing average of about EUR 278,000 each year!